Play a game of ‘Giants, Wizards, Elves’

For Leaders

Much like the game ‘Rock, Paper, Scissors’. In two teams, each must agree on their character – giant, wizard, elf. On the count of 3 both teams must turn to face each other and perform their actions: Giants – stand on tip toes, hands high in the air and make a menacing noise, Wizards – crouch slightly, waving hands out in front as though making a magic spell, Elves – crouch down with hands cupped behind their ears and make a high pitched giggling noise. Giants beat elves as they “squash” them. Elves beat wizards because they outsmart them. Wizards beat giants because they zap them with a spell. If both teams show the same character, no one wins. The winning team then run to capture as many people as possible to join their team.

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