Cardiff Trail

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As you follow the trail you’ll discover answers to the clues on buildings, signs and statues, crossing out your answers to reveal the final answers. Trail features:

  • Circular route, approximately 4.5km in distance, starting and finishing at Cardiff Castle, taking approximately 3.5 hours to complete
  • This is a full-colour printed copy sent to you in the post consisting of 2 booklets inside a cardboard storage sleeve
  • Instruction and answer booklet for you to write on as your venture around the gardens
  • Trail booklet containing directions, clues to solve and ideas for other things to see and do
  • Map (contained in your trail booklet) to help you navigate the gardens along with some fun facts and ideas for extending your adventure
  • Trails are completed in your own time and at your own pace (why not bring a picnic to enjoy at the same time?)
  • Free activity ideas linked to your trail when you enter your answers online to extend your adventure even when you get home!
  • One trail booklet is enough for 4-5 people

Looking for a new adventure? The Cardiff Trail is a fun way to explore the area you live in or discover somewhere new with friends or family. Whether you’re looking for a few hours of fun for a day out with the kids or something to pack out your holiday Pawprint Trails have the answer! Cardiff has more hours of sunlight than Milan! Discover more fun facts like this, meet some of Cardiff’s famous residents and explore the sights and sounds of the gardens on this guided treasure hunt style walk…

Product Specification
Size N/A
Weight 50.00g
Code PT0008
Children's University
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Pawprint Trust
1% of every sale is donated to the Pawprint Trust, who's aim and goal is to help young people have amazing experiences. Thank you for your support.
Cardiff Trail Badge
Cardiff Trail Badge
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