Taste Challenge

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Taste Challenge Pack and Resources
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Many thanks to the members of our Home Education Facebook community who kindly contributed to the ideas included in these challenge packs, including; @Ruthjames1 (Instagram), @lozholdy (Instagram), @mamaravensnest (Instagram), Rachel Rowe, Amiee Naylor, Poppy Daniel, 258th Birmingham Brownies, Holly Bench, Tammy Leather, Kirsten Freiesleben and S. J. Nelson. Some profit from each Pawprint Badge is donated to The Pawprint Trust, who's aim and goal is to help young people have amazing experiences, thank you for your support. This badge is approximately 4 inches (10cm) in height, fully embroidered and laser cut to shape. Price per badge.

Explore your sense of taste and let’s see what we discover! We have 2000 - 10,000 taste buds each and they’re not just on your tongue. Join us as we get our tongues tingling and explore our sense of taste. This badge is part of the Senses Collection and includes themes such as sensory processing disorder and disability awareness.

Product Specification
Size 8.6 × 4.6 cm
Weight 7.00g
Brand Pawprint Badges
Product Type Patches
Collection Senses
Patch Type 100% Embroidered
Backing Type Sew On
Edge Finish Heat Cut
Backing Fabric 100% Polyester
Thread 100% Rayon (Viscose)
Code PB0207
Children's University
If you’re a member of Children’s University you can get a stamp for completing this badge. Stamp code available after purchase on your order confirmation email. If you’re not already a member Children’s University is now open to all children and young people, whether you’re home-educated or if you attend a school that’s not part of their network. You can find out more and sign up at www.childrensuniversity.co.uk/subscribe
Pawprint Trust
1% of every sale is donated to the Pawprint Trust, who's aim and goal is to help young people have amazing experiences. Thank you for your support.
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