From Scouts and Guides to Youth Clubs and After School we support them all!

1. Choose Your Badge
Browse our badges and decide which one you’d like to work on. Download the pre-made challenge pack or browse the free resources.
2. Complete your activities
All our challenges are young person friendly so you can give them the power or decide which activities you can facilitate, there’s no right or wrong way! Feel free to adapt, change and add your own activities…it works for you rather than you working for it!
3. Buy your badges
It’s always optional to buy badges from us but if you do then you’ll be helping more young people access life-changing adventures! 1% from the sale of every badge goes in to the Pawprint Trust (find out more below).
How will it work for me?
From our experience, every leader and every setting is different and we don’t believe in being prescriptive. What works for our young people will be different for yours so make it work for you. Within different settings we’ve found leaders integrating our badges as part of their weekly programme or using them specifically for fun days, holidays/camps or stand alone celebrations.
Award the badges as you see fit. You may want to award badges for successful completion of activities or for attendance at a specific day/parade. Whatever works for you, works for us!
How much time do I need?
We’re here to make things as easy as possible for you so planning time should be minimal. We’ve got planning templates to help you in our Free Resources section so whether you’re looking to cram lots of mini challenges in to one evening or plan a term around one theme we’ve got you covered.
On the last minute or had a last minute change of plan? We’ve all been there! You can find a selection of print-and-go activities in our Free Resources section.
What equipment do I need?
Most activities need no additional equipment other than standard meeting place items, such as a pencil or paper.

1. Choose Your Location
Browse our Trails and select your chosen location. Purchase your copies of your chosen Trail. One Trail booklet will be fine for a group of 4-5 young people.
2. Complete your Trail
The Trails are written to be young person friendly so they can work independently or with adult supervision. Why not set your groups off at different times and then time them to add a competitive edge?
3. Submit your answers and buy your badges
Submit your answers online to see if you were correct. The Trail badges are a great reward for your efforts and the perfect way to add to your collection and show the world you conquered that location!
How will it work for me?
Pawprint Trails are perfect for use in weekly programme meetings or as part of a group camp/holiday. The Trails themselves take only a few hours to complete while the ‘Extend Your Adventure’ suggestions on your map or the ‘Here’s an Idea!’ tips from your Trail booklet can extend your adventure beyond this.
When submitting your answers online (using your Unique Reference Code found in your order confirmation email) you’ll also find a host of FREE activity ideas related to your Trail/location. These might be food, games, craft or other activities (in the same way as Pawprint Badges) to keep the fun going even when you get back or have completed your Trail.
Do I need to do any preparation?
You’re always welcome to complete the Trail before your young people to familiarise yourself with the route. We do our best to ensure that the Trails and clues are as accurate and up to date as possible and include safety information where necessary.
Please do remember that we are not responsible for your safety and to follow any risk assessment guidance provided by your organisation.
What equipment do I need?
Generally all you’ll need is a pen/pencil per group along with a Trail, any other equipment will be listed on the cover of your Trail booklet or in your order confirmation email. Other than that it’s as simple as turning up and turning detective to solve the clues!
Please note trails should not be reproduced without written permission.

1. Choose Your Tale
Browse our selection of Tales and select your location. Purchase a copy of your chosen Tale.
2. Enjoy an adventure from the comfort of your meeting place
Tales are written for readers aged 7-11 however they’re also fun to read together for younger groups with items hidden in the illustrations for you to spot along the way so settle down and prepare to discover somewhere new.
3. Complete your Trail or additional FREE activities (both optional)
The Tales are written to accompany our Trails so why not read Alfie’s adventure before completing a real-life adventure of your own. Alternatively, to accompany each Tale there are FREE activities to download and print to accompany the story; from colouring in sheets to word searches and bingo. The adventure ends when you decide!
How will it work for me?
Why not use a Tale as part of a local history project or while working towards a reading interest badge? Pawprint Tales are the perfect accompaniment to Pawprint Trails so why not read your Tale before you go or as part of an extended adventure when you return!
Enjoy as part of a group session or share the story in instalments each time you meet. The Tales are designed to get you exploring the UK from the comfort of your meeting place so you decide how they work best for you.
What equipment do I need?
Just yourself and your Tale! You’ll also need a printer if you want to complete any of the additional free activity downloads available from the website but that’s entirely up to you!