Play a game of Quidditch either field or table

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Collect plastic bottle tops and use them to play noughts and crosses or four in a row

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Superheroes rely on super senses. Have a go at an obstacle course relying on your different senses i.e. blindfolded, feet tied together, hands behind your back

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Some superheroes are super bendy and stretchy. See how flexible you are with the loop the hoop game

For Leaders

Make a circle linking arms. Trap a hula hoop in the circle by placing it on to one person’s arm. Teams must get the hoop around their circle in the fastest time without breaking the loop (letting go of hands).

Rhyme and song is important in Welsh culture. Play a famous playground rhyming game e.g. ‘Oranges and Lemons’

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Break the enigma code – race to decode messages i.e. using your code wheel

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Play some chopstick games i.e. how many sweets can you transfer from one bowl to another using only chopsticks

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Have a whiskey barrel rolling race (a roly-poly race to you and me!)

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Lions are characterised for bravery, strength and leadership. Demonstrate these skills by organising and leading a game of choice

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Find out which foods help build muscle and make a meal using some of them

For Leaders

Make a circle linking arms. Trap a hula hoop in the circle by placing it on to one person’s arm. Teams must get the hoop around their circle in the fastest time without breaking the loop (letting go of hands).

Gather different varieties of the same food (e.g. apples), rate them by how tasty they look. Which looks best? Blindfolded, taste them all. Which one tasted the best? Was it the same as the one that looked the best? What is the moral of the activity?

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Disguise food to look like another dish i.e. white chocolate spaghetti


The British Army erected their first armoured tree in March 1916. It was a replica of a tree in no man’s land with a steel, armoured core to protect the soldier who would be stationed inside the tree to spy on enemy lines.

Crabs are known as decapods as they have 10 legs. Make 10 crab dishes or decorate 10 cupcakes to look like crabs

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Bake a hedgehog cake and decorate with flaky chocolate bars for the spines

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Learn where marshmallow comes from, particularly gelatine then have a go at making your own marshmallows

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Create a T-Rex sculpture from the popular twig shaped savoury snacks

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Make a T-Rex skeleton collage using cotton buds

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Build a robot or have a go at junk modelling with your waste instead of throwing it away

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Make a spy disguise e.g. a moustache, hat, glasses etc.

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In small groups make a suit of armour using recycled materials

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Design and/or make an enrichment toy for an animal/pet

For Leaders

Make a circle linking arms. Trap a hula hoop in the circle by placing it on to one person’s arm. Teams must get the hoop around their circle in the fastest time without breaking the loop (letting go of hands).

Make a mini stove from a clean baked bean tin

Here’s an idea

If you don’t like baked beans, why not use a spaghetti tin or even chopped tomatoes?

Read a teddy Bear themed story

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Complete a bear themed quiz or name the famous cartoon bears

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Bake some traditional Australian damper bread

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‘Mumming’ in Germany and Scandinavia involved people in fancy dress entering peoples’ homes and dancing in silence…have a go at the monster mash or create your own graveyard groove.

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Adapt a game you know/make one up to fit in with the St. David’s Day story

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“Uncle Fat” the Taiwanese monkey had subordinates to bring him goodies. Play a game of ‘Bring Me’. Leaders shout an object, the team who brings that item first scores a point. The winning team has the most points after a set number of rounds

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We’re working hard in the background to make it even easier to access adventure and will be adding more information to this activity card soon. Please keep checking back as we update the website regularly. Don’t forget you can still save this activity to your own challenge pack or download the activity card using the buttons above.

Learn to knit and knit a square for a blanket. Put all the squares from your unit together to make a blanket and send it to a local shelter to keep someone warm

For Leaders

Make a circle linking arms. Trap a hula hoop in the circle by placing it on to one person’s arm. Teams must get the hoop around their circle in the fastest time without breaking the loop (letting go of hands).

Make a menorah to celebrate Hanukkah and learn about a different faith

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We’re working hard in the background to make it even easier to access adventure and will be adding more information to this activity card soon. Please keep checking back as we update the website regularly. Don’t forget you can still save this activity to your own challenge pack or download the activity card using the buttons above.

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